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The Petit Travels fa referencia a "els petits viatges" que ens agraden i ens mouen, però també vol dir "el petit de viatge" que és com viurem aquest darrer viatge: en companya del "petit" que ens van regalar els nostres amics!!

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

Xie Xie, Thank you in Chinese!

A month has just flown by, and here we are in Laos.

But before finishing our China chapter we wanted to say thank you to those we met on the way that helped us without asking for anything;
the ones we shared special moments with;
the ones that taught us some chinese and helped us comprehend this culture better;
the ones that someday might make the difference by having a clean and neat country and helped us in Meili Snow Mountain.

And to all of those that have crossed our path and simply smiled.

Thank you.

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